Presidential One Crash

The crash of Presidential One occurred on December 25, 2022, a little after 2:50 AM. The crash occurred North of North Point in Samson, New Shire. The crash is considered fatal after the death of the two pilots. President McCallum was not onboard when the crash occurred. It is still very early on in the investigation to determine the cause of the crash, but many photos of the accident site have been provide and can be viewed below.

Initial Impact Point

A house that was struck by the crashing helicopter which is located on Frankie Ave, Samson, New Shire. A scrap of metal from the undercarriage of the helicopter implanted on part of a collapsed wall of the home.

The wall collapsed under the enormous weight of belly of the helicopter.

The Final Impact Point

The house across from the Frankie Drive home that was struck by the falling helicopter was stuck by the blades and cockpit of the helicopter. The blades cut through the home and were flung back across the street alongside the main fuselage of the helicopter.

Part of the Helicopters tail section can be seen laying inside the home.

The Main Fuselage

A destroyed Fuselage seen near the blades. This is likely where the fuselage became detached when the helicopter crashed. It is also likely that the explosion from the fuel blasted this part of the fuselage here.

Tail Roto Blades

Pictured are the tail rotor blades that were likely dislodged from their housing bearings as well as the tail boom. These likely became detached when the Helicopter made contact with the first home.

Detached Fuselage Roof

The roof of the helicopter was detached, likely ripped off by the force of the rotor blades being ripped from the craft after hitting the first house. The sheer force of the initial impact would have killed both Sternburg and Simmons, which likely saved them from an excruciatingly painful death by explosion or fire.

Additional evidence is still being processed as well as collected as the investigation continues to evolve. Investigators on the scene describ the scene as horrific and state that some form of pilot error or mechanical failure could likely be the cause of the crash. Not much more is being released as of late. Investigators want answers as does the PPS and FCIS as to whether the helicopters are a safety risk to President John McCallum and Vice President Travis Loretti and their respective families.